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Vehicle Access to the Academy Site from 1st January 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

We wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up to date with some changes to accessing the school sites in order to keep your children safe.  The number of vehicles accessing the school site has become an increasing concern over recent months and this is something that both the primary and secondary schools need to address.

Following discussion between both schools, it has been agreed that we will be limiting access to the school sites at the beginning and end of the school day.  What this means is that, unless you have been issued with an appropriate permit, you will not be allowed access and will be asked to park your vehicle out on the main road and wait for your children to exit the site by foot and walk to your vehicle.  For those parents/carers collecting primary school children from Christ Church then you are asked to park your vehicle on the main road then walk into the primary school to collect your child(ren).

We appreciate that there are a small number of parents/carers who hold a disabled badge; however, the criteria for using this disabled badge on the site will ONLY be if the disabled badge relates to one of your children.  In other words, if the disabled badge is in a parent/carer name, unless the named person is getting out of their vehicle to attend a meeting on either of the sites, then you will not be permitted access.  In order to help us manage this, we will be contacting those parents who have already been issued with a permit and asking them to complete a new application for parking permit, which will have a list of criteria set out which will need to be met in order to receive an updated permit.

From 1st January 2022, we will be trialling opening and closing the main school gates at the following times:

Secondary Academy Students LeavingPrimary School Pupils Leaving


This means that if you have been granted permission to access the site, you will need to be here before the gates are closed and will not be allowed entry or exit between these times unless it is an emergency, to allow for the safe exit of students and pupils from the school sites.

If your child cycles to/from the Academy they will be asked to walk their bike/scooter from the bike shed to the main gate before getting on and continuing their journey home.

I am sure you will understand that keeping your children safe is of utmost importance and we would like to thank you in advance for helping us do this.

Yours sincerely

Mr S O’Callaghan  | Academy Principal, Hanham Woods Academy

Mr N McKellar-Turner | Headteacher, Christ Church CE Primary