Winter Showcase, Thursday 12th December 7pm-9pm (Students who are involved Only)
Dear Parents/Carers
Winter Showcase, Thursday 12th December 7pm-9pm (approx)
Your child is taking part in the Winter Showcase either as a performer or in a supporting capacity e.g. lighting technician, front of house.
The showcase will be taking place on Thursday 12th December 7pm-9pm (approx).
In advance of the performance, students must take responsibility for preparing their act, this includes providing staff with the relevant backing tracks, music, list of equipment needed as well as be fully rehearsed (this includes knowing all lines/lyrics where required).
Students will be off timetable for a scheduled slot/slots throughout the day for a technical rehearsal. Students will need to wear Academy Uniform throughout the day. Students who will be partaking in physical activities which require specialist clothing e.g. dancing, will be able to change prior to their rehearsal slot.
Students will need to leave the Academy at the end of the day and return no later than 6.15pm, where they will need to report to the Main Hall.
Tickets for the Showcase will be on sale via ScoPay at £3 per person, from Monday 2nd December. Monies raised as a result of this event will be re-invested in the Performing Arts department.
Doors for the performance will open at 6.30pm, where you will be invited into the Foyer. The Friends of Hanham Woods Academy will be there on the night selling refreshments.
All students must be collected at 9pm from the Foyer following the performance. Please note that if you give permission for your child to be collected by another party or if you consent to them walking home, we would appreciate it if you could advise us in advance (no later than 12pm on Thursday 12th December) via email .
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Rachel Linnegar
Head of Music