Work Experience – Year 10: 17th – 21st April 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 10 Work Experience will take place between 17th and 21st April 2023. In advance of this taking place I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the student agreement to ensure that your child has a successful and rewarding experience:
Student Agreement
- Attend the Work Experience placement every day.
- Arrive punctually and appropriately dressed.
- Carry out the tasks given to them efficiently and to the best of their ability.
- Hold in confidence any information they receive and not disclose this information without permission.
- Observe all safety and security regulations and follow any rules detailed by the employer.
Students on site
All students with agreed work experience placements are expected to attend their placement. If there is an issue with your child’s placement, please contact the Academy direct on 0117 440 8900. We are aware of the small number of students that will remain on site the week of 17th – 21st April. A week long timetable of external and internal providers with a focus on careers education information and guidance (CEIAG) will be in place. Please ensure that your child attends every day, we are unable to authorise any absence other than illness (please remember that contact will need to be made with the absence line from parent/carer, following the usual procedure).
Absence from Placements due to Illness
If, during the work experience placement, your child is too unwell to attend, you must make direct contact with the employer who will then contact the Academy. Failure to contact the employer will result in them contacting the Academy to alert us to a possible safeguarding concern.
Safeguarding and Student Support
All students will be issued with a laminated Academy contact card this week. This will enable them to contact the Academy safeguarding team for support between 9am and 5pm every day. We do not envisage that your child will need to utilise this card, however it is important that students carry this with them and can seek support in the unlikely event that it is needed.
General Queries
Please contact Sade Mujkic via [email protected] for any work experience related queries or contact the Academy direct via 0117 440 8900 and reception will be able to direct your call.
We look forward to welcoming all students back on site on Monday 24th April 2023 and wish them the best of luck in their work experience week!
Dream BIG / Work Hard / Be Kind
Mrs Rebecca Tushingham | Assistant Principal
Miss Sade Mujkic | Careers Lead