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Y11 Drama GCSE Drama Component Letter – Y11 Drama Students Only

Dear Parents/Carers,

GCSE Drama Component 2 – Devised Theatre

During Year 10 your children completed a Component of their Drama GCSE which involved a practical performance and a written Devising Log, documenting the process. During Term Three of Year 11, they submitted their final draft before marking.

Today, they received their marks for this module, with a breakdown of what they were and why. Here they were offered one final chance to resubmit their Devising Log if they wished to do so. The deadline for this is the end of Term 4 (Friday 04th April 2025).

I will be resharing the folders with their devising logs and candidate forms in for them to access. I will also be sharing the Marking Rubric used for them to reference if they are redrafting their Devising Logs.

Please note, this will be the final chance for your children to redraft and submit their Devising Logs for Marking before submission to the Exam Board. Students have had ample time to complete this part of their GCSE and any support needed has been offered and implemented where necessary or requested.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]


Your sincerely

Caitlin Simmonds

Teacher of Drama and English