Year 10 Health and Social Care BTEC Assessments
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to update you on student progress through the BTEC course. Students are now at the point where they have completed their learning for component one – they will, therefore, be completing their formal assessment for this component at the end of term. This assessment is a real assessment that is submitted to the exam board, this is not a practice.
Dependent on their group, they will complete the assessment on either Thursday 8th February or Friday 9th February 2024. The assessment will be a full day and will be in exam conditions with exam rules applying. Students are permitted to bring their notebook into the assessment, but this cannot contain any handouts created by staff or information copied directly from books or websites. It is an expectation that students attend on these dates as this is a formal assessment worth 30% of their final grade. Students cannot complete any of this assessment at home or outside of the classroom/assessment time. It is also imperative that all units are completed to secure their qualification.
Throughout this term, Mr Tucker will be running additional sessions on a Monday at the end of the Academy day. This is for students to catch up on any notes they may not have or add further detail to their notes to ensure they have good quality and range to use in the assessment. Students can also make use of SO1 during lunch. They will also be receiving regular home learning that is vital to their preparation.
The full process of the assessment includes an opportunity for a resubmission following feedback. This resubmission will take place in lesson time at the end of Term 4. Grades for this unit will then be confirmed by the exam board in Term 6.
I hope you find the above information helpful; however, if you require any further clarification, please do contact me at
Yours sincerely
Ms Tasha Wolyn | Head of Social Science