Year 10 Health & Social Care BTEC Examinations Update
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to keep you informed, in light of the recent Government announcements, that GCSE Examinations will no longer be taking place this summer. The implications for BTEC Examinations are currently unresolved and we are awaiting information from the Pearson Exam board in relation to the upcoming Health and Social Care Exam scheduled to go ahead on 5th February. We are in daily contact with the examination board to ensure that we are able to act on information as soon as it becomes available.
As students are not in their final year of the qualification, we wish to reassure you that there will be additional assessment opportunities available to students later in Year 10 and onwards into Year 11.
The most important advice is that all students should continue to complete work set by their teachers as this will all contribute to their final grades whether these grades be centre assessed grades or based on exam and coursework.
We thank you for your patience and understanding at this time and we will provide a further update as soon as we are able to do so.
Yours sincerely
The Raising Attainment Team
Rebecca Tushingham [email protected]
Louisa Harris [email protected]