Year 10 Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs)
Dear Parents/Carers
In Term 6, during weeks 4 and 5, your child will be completing their next round of Pre-Public Exams [PPEs]. We have been incredibly impressed with how well Year 10 students have been working during the academic year; however, there is still work to be done to ensure we give them the best chance of success as they move into their final year at the Academy.
In the Academy we continue to provide:
- Well sequenced lessons in each subject that focus on key areas of GCSE specifications and exam skills;
- Clear information, updates and messages delivered through whole Year Group assemblies;
- Pastoral support focused on mental health and wellbeing.
- Revision material for students to aid them with their learning.
How you can help:
- Ensure students attend the Academy every day;
- Ensure students have a quiet place to revise at home;
- Encourage students to attend after Academy intervention sessions.
- Contact the Academy if you have any concerns or would like support
Should you need to purchase any revision guides, our revision guide catalogue can be viewed here
Students will be receiving a timetable nearer the time, which will also be available on the website for you to view. They will also receive a personal timetable in preparation for this set of PPEs.
If you require any further information or clarification in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Raising Attainment Team by either calling the Academy reception on 0117 440 8900 or by email, using one of the addresses below
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Tushingham | Assistant Principal-Raising Attainment [[email protected]]
Mrs L Harris | Associate Assistant Principal – Raising Attainment [[email protected]]