Year 10 Work Experience Week: 15 July – 19 July 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 10 Work Experience Week: 15 July – 19 July 2024
We write to remind you that our Year 10 work experience week is 15 July – 19 July 2024. Our expectation is that all students take part.
Below you will find information on the work experience process, this includes how the school is supporting your child with this and a link to the Work Experience Agreement form.
Please note the Work Experience Agreement form must be completed in advance of the work experience placement taking place; the deadline to complete this is Friday 3 May.
Work experience process
Work experience is hugely beneficial for young people, it’s chance to explore a career path they are interested in whilst building transferable skills. Our aim is for all students to successfully attend work experience during the identified week, working for the full five days (Monday to Friday) within a work-based setting and in a placement that they have organised.
With this in mind students, are expected to find and secure their own placements. We appreciate that, for many students, this is a new and challenging task and therefore we will assist them as much as we possibly can.
To help students prepare for this, we are focusing on work experience in tutor time. Each student has been provided with a Preparing for Work Experience booklet to aid them in finding work experience as well as providing them with the best chance of success whilst on their placement.
To support parents and carers please find a link to our careers page below, where you will be able to locate the following documents under the ‘Work Experience’ tab:
- Preparing for Work Experience booklet;
- Work Experience Agreement form (to submit once a placement is secured (for ease, please find the link to the form here:; and
- A list of companies previous students have taken work experience at.
Link to our careers page here:
The deadline date to submit the Work Experience Agreement form is Friday 3 May, this is to allow for due diligence to be made. Due to high demand, it is advisable to aim to have a placement secured as soon as possible.
It’s worth noting that not all companies take work experience pupils, therefore it’s wise to gather a list of companies that your child might be interested in working at as back-ups. There are always opportunities, keeping options open is recommended. Skills transferability from the work experience is what is important.
Finally, we will be unable to authorise students going out on WEX placements on any other than the identified week of 15 July – 19 July, this is to protect students’ progress in lessons during this important first year of GCSEs.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please email:
Yours sincerely
Sade Mujkic and Nicola Hurrell
Careers Team