Year 11 After Academy Personalised Revision and Intervention Plan
Dear Parents/Carers
Many thanks again to those of you who attended ARMs meetings for your child during the last three weeks of Term 1. It has been really great as a team to discuss next steps, and how we can best support your child over the coming weeks as we approach the PPEs and indeed their final GCSEs.
Initially, as was discussed with both parents/carers and students, we had hoped to have face to face intervention sessions at the end of the Academy day; however, due to the national lockdown we are not able to offer this. In place of our original timetable, we are offering online sessions for students, to be viewed via Show My Homework.
In follow-up to these meetings, be please aware that intervention sessions will now start on the 30th November. In order to start the session your child will need to login to Show My Homework and they will have been allocated a new group to access. Sessions will follow the same days as previously discussed.
We hope that, as agreed, all students do participate and engage in these compulsory sessions. We will reward those students whose completion of these sessions is consistent during tutor times on a fortnightly basis.
NB: If you are aware that your child cannot complete an online session please do let us know in advance so we can make necessary arrangements.
Thank you, in advance, for your continued support of the Academy – should you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of the Raising Attainment Team.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Harris | Associate Assistant Principal
Mrs R Tushingham | Associate Assistant Principal
Miss A Peyton | Assistant Principal