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Year 11 Class Changes

Dear Parent/Carer

Each year we change sets in Year 11 following the PPEs; this is to assist students to experience different ways of learning and ensure everyone is given the opportunity to make positive decisions. It is never a decision we take lightly and after much consideration we made the decision to implement our changes from Tuesday 5th January 2021.

At Hanham Woods Academy, we know that being in the right class at the right ability level enables children to learn best. In schools we would expect there to be movement within the year group naturally – for example, a student might move away from the area, or we might have an in-year admission. After much consideration, we found it necessary to adjust the Year 11 options groups to ensure quality of learning.

Whilst any change can be difficult for our young people to get used to, in the vast majority of cases the changes we make are successful. We have tried to ensure each student feels supported during the change and that these changes will mean the students are well focussed. Furthermore, we expect that students will make the most out of the opportunity to show resilience and work with people they might not have before.

Students will be educated with their normal classes for everything apart from Science, Maths, and English; in these subjects it is the Subject Leader who would make changes based on assessment data or grouping.

We hope that these class changes will have a positive effect on all students across the year group in the long-run and ask for your support during the settling-in period.

If there are historic issues between students in their new classes, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at: [email protected] or [email protected]. We are grateful for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Tushingham & Louisa Harris | Joint Raising Attainment Leads for Year 11 and Associate Assistant Principals