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Year 11 Leavers Event

Dear Parents/Carers

I am delighted to be able to confirm we can host a Year 11 Leavers event on Wednesday 30th June at 3.30pm. Students should arrive no earlier than 3.30pm and will be guided to an area where they can sign shirts and say goodbye to their friends. We are also hoping to be able to provide a few refreshments.

We must, however, try to be careful and take as many precautions as possible to reduce the chance of spreading the COVID-19 virus. We would recommend that all students take an LFT test on Tuesday evening and that they bring their own pen with which to sign shirts. We will have to ask that students try to keep a 2 metre distance from all staff – staff may wish to get closer for very short periods of time to sign shirts or leavers books but this must be at the member of staff’s discretion.

The event will last approximately 45-60 minutes and students will then be asked to leave the site, whilst also being considerate to local residents.

I really look forward to seeing our Year 11 students next Wednesday to say goodbye and wish them well.

Yours sincerely

Mr S T Kneller | Academy Principal