Year 11 ONLY – National Apprenticeship Show 2024
Dear Parent or Carer,
As part of our careers programme, we will be attending The National Apprenticeship Show, West of England held at Ashton Gate Stadium in Bristol on Tuesday 8th October 2024.
The National Apprenticeship Show brings students together with employers and training providers offering all levels of Apprenticeships from intermediate all the way through to Higher and Degree Apprenticeships. With Apprenticeships continually on the rise, there has never been a better time for students to consider apprenticeships.
The National Apprenticeship Show is an opportunity for students to learn about different career paths, explore Apprenticeship opportunities, and obtain information on career development. The primary goal of this event is to leave students inspired to make informed decisions on their preferred career.
For more information on the event, please see link to the website here:
We will be leaving the Academy for the event at 8:50am and arriving back at 11:45am.
The cost for this trip will be confirmed once we know how many students are interested in attending. If you wish for your child to participate, please complete the slip below and return it and hand it to the Year 11 Team Office – in S8 by Wednesday 11th September 2024.
Students will be given a copy of this letter, along with reply slip, in assembly on Monday 9th September.
Yours faithfully
Sade Mujkic | Careers Team