Year 11 Parents Evening – Wednesday 29th November 2023
Dear Year 11 Parents/Carers,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Academy, in person, on Wednesday 29th November for Year 11 Parents Evening. Appointment booking is still open and will remain open until midday on Wednesday. For more information on booking appointments see:
Below is a summary of the plan for the in-person Parents Evening event on Wednesday:
- Parents/Carers will sign up for appointments using our existing online parent booking system
- We would encourage you to try and leave one slot between each appointment to ensure you can get to your next appointment on time.
- Appointments will be kept to 5 minutes per student
- If you are unable to make an appointment, you will be able to add yourself to a waiting list which will enable the teacher to contact you following the event.
- Please ensure your child attends the evening with you.
- It is important we keep to timings to enable everyone to have the opportunity to speak with their child’s teacher, so please endeavour to get to your appointment on time and stick to the allocated 5 minutes.
- The format for the appointments will follow a ‘what’s going well / even better if’ structure, finishing with an actionable next step for the student to aid further improvement.
- Please be respectful of timings and keep to the 5-minute appointment slot.
- Teachers do have scheduled comfort breaks during the evening, so please do not be alarmed if you see a teacher leave a venue (they will be back).
- The evening will conclude at 19:00, the scheduled finish time for teachers.
Arriving to the Academy site on the evening
- You will need to sign in and pick up a parent information pack (see map below). Please aim to arrive at least 10 minutes before your first appointment to allow time to sign in and make your way to your first appointment
- Appointments will take place in three venues (to minimise noise):
- Old Gym – English, Maths and Science
- Foyer – History, Geography, French, Spanish, Computing/iMedia, Health & Social Care, Sociology, Drama/PRE
- Main Hall – DT, Music, Photography, Art, Sport
- The three venues are close to each other, which should make for efficient travel time between appointments.
We will collect feedback from you following the event to find out more about your experience.
Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind
Mr O’Callaghan Principal