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Year 11 Prom – 3rd July 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to announce that our Year 11 Prom will take place next year on Thursday 3rd July 2025 at the Grange Hotel, Winterbourne

The Academy Prom is an invitation-only event to reward and celebrate our students’ success during their time with us at Hanham Woods Academy. We hope that as many students as possible in the Year Group have the opportunity to attend this prestigious event.

We understand that due to the financial situation this remains an expensive event. Please find below the details of PromAlly, a wonderful organisation who help with pre-loved stunning dresses and sharp suits. This is a confidential service for young people to enable them to attend this special event. If you would like to use this or find out more details, please do contact us so that we can make a referral in good time. We have used PromAlly before and it was successful in enabling students to attend with everybody else.

As with every Academy reward event, we reserve the right to withdraw your child’s ticket if behaviour or attendance expectations are not met throughout the academic year. We will, however, give both parents/carers and students regular status updates if the student is at risk of not meeting the above criteria. In these unlikely circumstances, your deposit will be returned.

What may place my child at risk of not attending Prom?  

  • Refusal to attend intervention sessions for subjects where there is a progress concern (provided they can and have the support of their parent/carer to do so)
  • Not completing homework/revision as set by subject teachers
  • Internal truancy from lessons
  • Truancy from or refusal to attend exams
  • Poor attendance and punctuality
  • Repeat referrals to our Inclusion Area
  • Not meeting behaviour expectations
  • Suspension following a behaviour incident

How will I know if my child is at risk of not being able to attend Prom?

Now that PPEs have ended, and students have been at the academy for 10 academic weeks, we will review their behaviour and attendance data. Students will be awarded a ‘status’ of red, amber or green for Prom and Leavers celebrations. A behaviour and attendance dashboard will be sent home at the same time as PPE certificates. Students’ status will be contained within the dashboard.

How do students change their status?

Behaviour and attendance will be monitored between now and the January PPEs. Following on from these assessments, students’ data will be reviewed, and where improvements have been made, students’ statuses will be changed to reflect their efforts.

The cost of the Prom is £35 this includes the evening at the venue, entertainment, and finger buffet. If your child would like to attend this special evening in the Year 11 calendar, click on the following link to complete the reply slip: Year 11 Prom Reply Slip

You will also need to pay the £15 deposit for your child’s ticket via SCOPAY (the online payment system) ASAP.  If you require any help with this, please contact our Finance Assistant, Mrs Davis at [email protected]

Further updates will be provided during the year.

We would like as many students as possible to enjoy this special event, if finances are a consideration support may be available. Please contact [email protected].

We look forward to welcoming your child at the Academy Prom and sharing with them their special evening.

Yours sincerely,