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Year 11 SPANISH Speaking Exam

Dear Parents/Carers

Students are currently revising for the speaking part of their language exam which is worth 25% of their grade. This will follow the same format as the PPE exam. They will be required to do a role play and photo card, both of which they will prepare for 12 minutes in supervised conditions prior to their exam. The final part of the exam consists of a general conversation. Students have prepared questions on each of the three themes covered and will have nominated their preferred theme with which to start the questions.

Miss Mouries will be available lunchtimes and at the end of the Academy day for drop in sessions this week, for those who would like more practice or additional help. In addition, students have been issued guidance and resources available your support would be appreciated to help students practise and revise for this section of their exam.

Spanish exams will take place from Wednesday 26th April until Friday 28th April.

Although class teachers conduct the exam, it is recorded and sent off to the exam board to be marked, so it is classed as an external exam and therefore attendance on the day is essential. If a student is ill on the day, we will require a medical note in order to be able to reschedule the exam.

If a student is in school, but fails to turn up to their designated time they may be unable to re-sit it (therefore gaining 0 for 25% of their grade).

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mrs C Buliard | Subject Leader for MFL