Year 11 Steps to Success Evening – Thursday 29th September 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Our mission is to give people the best chance of success and with Year 11 being less than a year away from sitting their exams, we want to ensure you have all of the information needed to support your child to succeed.
It has become an annual tradition for us to welcome Year 11 parents and carers into the Academy for an evening with the senior team dedicated to the year ahead for our students. Parents/Carers who have previously attended have provided feedback that they felt informed and reassured as a result of attending the session.
This year we would like to invite you into the Academy on Thursday 29th September to attend a 5pm or 6pm talk. As we have limited seating, please book ahead using the link below, selecting 1 ticket per attendee. The evening is aimed at parents/carers, however, students are also very welcome to attend.
Steps To Success Ticket Booking
Information that will be provided on the evening:
- Learning from last year’s Year 11 students – what would they do differently?
- After Academy Intervention
- Supporting your child’s revision and GCSE preparation
- Mock exams calendar
- Purchasing resource guides
- Post 16 information and guidance
- How to support your child’s mental health and wellbeing
We strongly encourage all parents/carers to attend this event to help give their child their best chance of success next summer.
I look forward to meeting you in person on the evening
Yours Sincerely
Rebecca Tushingham | Assistant Principal