Year 7 Tutor Introduction Evening – 7th October 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
I am delighted to invite you to join us on Thursday 7th October 2021 for our Year 7 Tutor Introduction Evening which will be accessible via bookable slots between 4pm to 7pm.
The evening will be in two parts:
First, there will be an information session in the Main Hall, led by the Academy Principal and senior teachers. Presenters will talk through key information to enable your child to be successful through their journey at Hanham Woods Academy.
Second, there will be an introduction session from your child’s tutor in their classroom. This will be an opportunity to see where your child registers every day, to meet their tutor and create the key bond between home and the Academy.
Finally, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the transition journey thus far. Myself (Transition Lead), Ms Wilshire (Year 7 Pastoral Lead) and Mrs McDermott (Academy SENCO) will be on-hand after the tutor session for any additional questions or queries you may have.
We will be offering these sessions in 3 time slots that will be booked through our online parents’ evening system – the link to access this is as follows:
Parents Evening Booking System
This evening is primarily for parents/carers and capacity is limited, therefore, it is preferred that students do not attend the evening, if at all possible. If you require any assistance with booking an appointment, please contact
We hope that you can join us for this evening, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our Academy.
Yours sincerely
Craig Coulstring | Associate Assistant Principal/Transition Lead
Anya Peyton | Interim Vice-Principal