Year 7 Visit: ‘The Tempest’ – Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London – Wednesday 8th March 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
We will be running a trip to see ‘The Tempest’ at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London on Wednesday 8th March, and would like to offer your child the opportunity to take part in this visit.
The event will enable students to experience a 90-minute production of ‘The Tempest’ in the historic Globe Theatre. Created especially for young people, it’s the perfect introduction to Shakespeare for our students who study ‘The Tempest’ in Year 7 as part of our KS3 English curriculum. We believe that watching Shakespeare’s work being performed brings the text to life for students and are delighted to be able to offer our students the opportunity to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the play. Moreover, we are very fortunate to be able to take a group of students to see this production as tickets are allocated to those who first apply.
The performance starts at 2.00pm, and we will leave by coach from the Academy at 9.15am. We will be returning at the end of the performance and should be back at Hanham Woods Academy by 7.00pm. Students will need to wear full Academy uniform and bring a packed lunch. Students must conform to Academy rules throughout the trip and must under no circumstances leave the venue unless instructed to by a member of staff.
Voluntary contributions are necessary if this visit is to take place. The amount required to fund this visit is £30.00 per student. If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, the cost will be £15.00. No student will be omitted from the visit should the voluntary contribution not be paid. However, we do need to cover the financial costs of the trip and if the cost is not covered, the trip may not be able to run.
If you would like your child to take part in this trip, please make payment by noon on Tuesday 31st January 2023 using the online payment system which can be found here. If you do not currently have access to our online payments system but need access, please contact our Finance Assistant via email: [email protected]
If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, financial support can be offered.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Owens | English Department