Year 8 and 9 Visit to Barcelona, 15th – 18th July 2025 (SELECTED STUDENTS ONLY)
Dear Parent/Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate your child on securing a place on the trip to Barcelona, via the letter of application. We are certain that all will have an amazing experience.
In order to further secure the place for your child and secure flights from Bristol, please follow the instructions below to make a deposit of £250 by Friday 15th November 2024. Failure to meet this deadline may result in your child not being able to participate.
Please go to to make a payment of £250. If you do not have a log in for the online payment system, please contact the finance officer,
If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, a discount of £50 will be available. Please contact the finance officer,
Additionally, please complete the Medical consent and Essential information form by using the following link:
Medical Consent and Essential Information Form
The next payment will be due on the 31st January 2025.
Once you have paid your initial £250 deposit, we will issue a payment schedule card to remind you of the deadlines.
Could you please remind your child to bring in their GHIC card and passport into the Academy by Friday 30th November 2024 so these can be photocopied. You can find more information/order your GHIC card using the following link: Health Insurance Card
The remaining cost of this visit can be paid in instalments by the following dates:
Instalment | Amount | Due by date |
Deposit | £250 | 15th November 2024 |
1 | £250 | 31st January 2025 |
2 | £250 | 28th February 2025 |
3 | £244 | 28th March 2025 |
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Academy on 0117 4408900 or via email
Yours sincerely,
Miss A Mouries | MFL Teacher | Barcelona Trip Leader