Year 8 HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine
Dear Parent/ Guardian
We are offering your Year 8 child a free HPV vaccine in school this year. These vaccinations will be taking place in Hanham Woods Academy on Wednesday 29th January 2025.
Please complete the consent form as soon as possible using the following link: Consent Form – Y8 HPV Vaccine
What is Human Papillomavirus?
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that increases the risk of getting some cancers later in life such as cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital areas.
The virus is very common and lives on the skin in the genital area.
Why Get the Vaccine?
The HPV vaccine helps protect your child against 9 strains of the HPV virus, reducing the risk of your child getting HPV related cancers and genital warts in the future.
How is the Vaccine Given?
The vaccine is given by injection in the upper arm.
No Internet Access?
If you can’t access the internet, ask your child’s school for a paper consent form, or call us for help on 0300 1245515.
What if I do not want my child to receive the vaccine?
Please complete the following form to let us know: Consent Form – Y8 HPV Vaccine
What if my child misses the session?
Catch-up clinics will be available for children who miss the school session. Your child’s school will send information about these clinics after the school session.
Want to learn more?
Contact the School Immunisation Team: 0300 124 5515 or email [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Karen Evans | Head of Specialist Services for Children and Sirona Integrated Immunisation Services