Year 9 & 10 Theatre in Education Performances
Dear Parent/Carers,
Next week, we are very fortunate to welcome students from the Bristol School of Acting into Hanham Woods Academy to perform two unique plays with a PSHE focus. This is an excellent opportunity for your child to explore relevant themes and topics which will help them to understand the wider world around them as well as to see a piece of Live Theatre.
The Year 10 performance of Beowulf will take place at 1.20pm on Monday 11th July. This performance deals with issues around a parent with a cancer diagnosis.
The Year 9 performance is an adaptation of Jason and the Argonauts will take place at 1.20pm on Friday 15th July. This performance deals with issues around identity.
Both performances have strong themes (as stated above) which may affect some viewers, if you or your child are concerned, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either your child’s Head of Year or Mrs Hurrell.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to the above performances, please email [email protected] to discuss these.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Hurrell | Head of Drama