Home » Letters Home » Year 9 Options Evening – Thursday 3rd March 2022, 4pm to 7pm

Year 9 Options Evening – Thursday 3rd March 2022, 4pm to 7pm

Dear Parents/Carers

I am delighted to invite you to join us at the Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 3rd March 2022, between 4pm and 7pm.  This will be a chance to review your child’s current chosen options, discuss with teachers and make final choices about what is best for them.

At the time of writing, this event will take place in person on the Academy site.  However, please note that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the evening may be moved online if case numbers rise.   Mitigations will be place throughout the evening and all attendees are encouraged to complete an LFT on the day and wear a mask throughout.

We will be offering the sessions below in 4 time slots that will be booked through our online parents’ evening system by clicking on the following link:  Parents Evening Booking System

The evening will be in two parts:

Part One: 

There will be an information session in the Main Hall, led by the Academy Principal and senior teachers. Presenters will talk through key information to enable your child to be successful through their journey at Hanham Woods Academy.

Part Two:

There will be an opportunity to meet with Heads of Subject to discuss your child’s option choices – this will take place in small groups.

The final talk of the evening only has 90 spaces and will be socially distanced – this particular talk will need to be booked by calling Reception on 0117 440 8900 and booking 1 seat for every person attending (including children).  Please note that should you attend this final talk, the subject leaders will not be available to speak to at the end.

Please read the information below carefully, ensuring that you complete the online options form to indicate your option choices.

Yours sincerely

Miss Anya Peyton | Assistant Principal

Year 9 options 2021 – 2022 

All students have to study GCSEs in English, Maths and Combined Science.  In addition, all students will have Core PE (no GCSE), and Careers, Personal, Social and Health Education (CPSHE).

We want all Hanham students to achieve a good balance of academic and creative or vocational qualifications.  We expect the vast majority of students to take the five key academic qualifications which are the foundation for further study and university (the EBACC subjects).  The government and ‘Russell Group’ universities are also encouraging students to follow this path. Triple Science is available to students who show an aptitude for science and is highly desirable if you wish to study a science qualification at degree level.

The Options booklet can be accessed by clicking  Y9 options booklet 2021_2022

The 5 EBACC subjects

EnglishMathsScienceHistory or GeographyFrench or Spanish

We encourage most students to choose either History or Geography and either French or Spanish.  All students must take two of either History, Geography, French, Spanish, Triple Science or Computer Science.

Students are not allowed to take Art and DT Textiles together.

Please complete the following form to indicate your final choices for options:

Options Form

All options are GCSEs unless specified.  Please note that some subjects have entry requirements:

  • Triple Science (minimum On Track in Science, there will also be an entry test)
  • Computer Science (minimum On Track in Maths)


PLEASE NOTE:  The deadline for submissions is 14th March 2022 – submissions after this date may result in your first choices being unavailable.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any issues with completing the form online and would like a paper copy or to have a meeting to discuss your child’s options.