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Year 9 Raising Aspirations: Monday 10th February 2025

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I am writing to inform you that as part of our Options Process, Year 9 will partake in Raising Aspirations activities during Tutor Time, Lessons 1 & 2, on Monday 10th February 2025.

This program has been designed to help students explore potential careers which they may be interested in as well as aiding students with deciding which subjects to study at KS4 and beyond. 

Students will begin their day with an Opening Address from Mr Steve Taylor, the Chief Executive Officer for the Cabot Learning Federation. 

Students will complete a Future Skills Questionnaire and have time to explore the Careers Pilot online platform.  The Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) is a tool to measure learners’ career-readiness. FSQ covers key aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for successful transitions. 

The Careers Pilot platform will provide students with information linked to different curriculum subjects. 

Students will complete their programme by partaking in a CV (Curriculum Vitae) Workshop outlining their skills, hobbies, interests and attributes. 

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email [email protected] 

Yours Sincerely, 

Mrs N Hurrell | Associate Assistant Principal (Personal Development)