Christmas Learning Packs

Dear all, please be aware that to support our students we have downloaded and printed off all of the holiday learning tasks that need to be completed to maintain progress levels during the (almost) 3 weeks of Christmas holiday ahead.  Booklets have been provided to students today in tutor but are also available in digital form via students email and on SMHW.

We are conscious that our students have worked extremely hard this term and last and recognise that getting the balance right is essential to their wellbeing and ability to return back to us refreshed in the new year. We have recommended that students spend no more that 2 hours per day completing this important preparation work with the exception of the 24th – 26th December and 31st Dec – 1st Jan which we feel needs to be 100% dedicated to celebrating the festive season with family and friends!

Christmas Learning Packs

By doing the admin work for our year 11’s we are giving them the best chance of success by making the short bursts of work we advise they do as impactful as possible.

We understand that some students access SMHW via their phones which can affect the quality of their learning, we have removed this possible barrier to learning by providing a full colour A4 booklet. Some subjects require students to access weblinks which can be done by downloading the PDF version emailed to every student and on SMHW:

Students need to bring completed booklets back to their tutor when they return to us in the new year where they will be taken apart and work distributed to the correct subject staff.

From the year 11 team thankyou for supporting the Academy in providing students with the best chance of success and we hope you have a happy and healthy Christmas break. See you in the new year!

Christmas Learning Packs