PPE Timetable and English Literature Prep Menu

The PPE (pre-public examinations in case you were wondering) start in 17 Academy days, we kick off with a big exam, English Literature. Students can struggle with the volume of content to be recalled so to support our year 11 to put in their best ever performance we are running a preperation menu devoted to all things Literature between now and the exam itself. We will be encouraging students to take up the support and rewarding them where they do so.

PPE Timetable and English Literature Prep Menu

A full timetable of PPEs will run from 18th October to 10th November as shown below. Individual timetables with rooming and seating will be issued to students the week before PPEs start. Rooming arrangements in all but a small number of cases have remained the same.

Attendance during these PPEs is paramount. There will be very limited scope to catch up missed papers as we do not want to remove students from additional learning time. During the GCSEs a doctors note is required to evidence that students are too ill to sit an exam. If your child isnt feeling their best during PPEs please contact the year team and we will work to accomodate then which may mean sending them home afterwards or argreeing for them to come in later for an afernoon assessment.

If you have any questions or queries please contact us at the Academy.

PPE Timetable and English Literature Prep Menu