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Legally Blonde Jr, Final Week of Rehearsal and Purchasing Tickets


Dear Parents/Carers

RE: Legally Blonde Jr, Final Week of Rehearsal and Purchasing Tickets

Thank you for your continued support of your child’s involvement in this year’s Academy Production of ‘Legally Blonde Jr either as a performer or they are helping backstage.

To ensure that we are all ready for a successful show we are going to have an additional rehearsal for all students on Monday 18th March 3-4.30pm and we are extending the rehearsals on Tuesday (all students should attend) and Thursday 3-5.30pm. If for any reason your child can not attend the additional rehearsal or stay for the extended rehearsals, please email [email protected]

The following week we have 5 shows in total, your child will be off timetable all day Monday-Wednesday and Thursday lessons 1 & 2. Please see below the timetable of when additional rehearsals take place throughout the final week of term:

Monday 25th MarchTuesday 26th MarchWednesday 27th MarchThursday 28th March
Dress & Tech in Am



Christchurch Matinee 1.30pm-2.30pm

Hanham Abbotts Matinee 1.30pm-2.30pm


Team Legally Performance at 7pm-8.30pm

Rewards Performance in AM 11-12pm


Team Blonde Performance at 7pm-9pm

De-rig P1 & 2

All students have been given details of their costumes, students should bring these in for checking and keep them on site from Friday 22nd March ready for the Rewards, Matinee and Evening performances on Monday 25th – Wednesday 27th March.

Also, a gentle reminder that tickets for this show have gone on sale at £6pp. Team Legally will be performing on Tuesday 26th March and Team Blonde will be performing on Wednesday 27th March.

Thank you once again for your continued support with this production.

Mrs N Hurrell

Subject Leader for Drama

Associate Assistant Principal