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Y11 Creative iMedia Coursework and Exam Information

Dear Parent/Carer                                                                                                                                                        14 November 2023

Creative iMedia BTEC – Coursework & Exams Information

I am writing to give you an update on your childs Creative iMedia BTEC course. The course is made up of 2 pieces of coursework and then an exam. Please see the structure of the course below and the update column for the current status of each of these components:

Component Content Assessment % Update
R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry

Mandatory UNIT

•       Written paper

•       OCR set and marked

•       Learners answer ALL questions

1hr 30 mins Exam40%R093 – exam will be 10th June 2024


R094: Visual identity and digital graphics

Mandatory UNIT


•       This set assignment contains two practical tasks.

•       Purpose, elements and design of visual identity

•       Create visual identity and digital graphics

Internal assessment25%R094 is complete and awaiting moderation.


R097: Interactive digital media•       This set assignment contains three practical tasks.

•       We are currently at the middle – the building and evidencing of product

Internal assessment35%R097 is in progress, with submission to meet January deadline. Assignment to be completed by the end of term 2.


As the R097 component ‘Interactive digital media’ is due by the end of this term there is additional support for completion and improving work on Mondays after school in IT2. Please encourage your child to attend these sessions to ensure they meet this deadline as newer the BTEC restrictions do not allow students to complete work at home or unsupervised from their teacher.

Thank you in advance for any support you can give.

Yours sincerely

Ralph Hersey

Subject Leader for ICT/Computing