Home » Letters Home » Y11 Virtual Parents’ Evening – Thursday 24th November – 4pm to 7pm

Y11 Virtual Parents’ Evening – Thursday 24th November – 4pm to 7pm

Dear Parents/Carers,

 Year 11 Virtual Parent’s Evening – Thursday 24th November – 4pm to 7pm

We are pleased to invite you to our first of our two Year 11 Parents’ Evenings. The is an opportunity to meet with your child’s subject teachers and discuss your child’s current performance and their targets for further improvement. It is an important part of our Academy calendar and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you online on that evening.  Appointments start at 4pm and finish at 7pm.

To support a purposeful and informative discussion with subject teachers, your child will receive their Progress Check Certificate including their PPE grades on Wednesday 23rd November.


The booking system for this evening is electronic. Parents/Carers will now be able to book virtual appointments with teachers directly via an online booking system.  To do this, visit https://hanhamwoods.parentseveningsystem.co.uk (there is also a link to this website on our Academy website) where you will be asked for your details to access appointments. If you are unsure of your son/daughter’s tutor group, then please ask them for this information.   To assist with booking video calls, we have produced the following Parents Evening Video Appointments Guide


Appointment bookings open on Wednesday 16th November 2022 at 9am and will close at 4pm on Wednesday 23rd November 2022.  Appointments are scheduled on a first come first served basis, therefore, we would encourage you to do this as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Once you have made appointments, you will receive an email confirming the appointments you have made. Should you wish to make any changes after this date or you do not have access to the internet, please contact Main Reception who will be happy to add/amend appointments on your behalf.


Yours Sincerely,

Mrs R Tushingham Assistant Principal – Raising Attainment