Year 11 – Academy Intervention/Study
Dear Parents/Carers of Year 11 Students
The Year 11 team is passionate about providing the best possible support for your child in the run up to their GCSE exams next summer. There is a huge amount of evidence to say that by starting the revision process early, this provides students with the best possible chances of success. To achieve this aim, we are currently running daily study sessions between 3pm and 4pm at the Academy for all Year 11 students.
Your child has been invited to either a subject intervention or supported study session every day and we would encourage them to attend each day to help them to complete home learning, revise in preparation for the PPEs at the start of Term 2 and develop strong study habits that will lead them to success next Summer.
To support you as a parent/carer we have compiled some FAQs
How will I know if my child has a subject intervention?
This will appear on SMHW as a pink flexible task on SMHW; Year 11 tutors also remind students every morning during tutor time.
How will I know if my child has attended subject intervention or supported study?
We are tracking attendance to both subject interventions and supervised study and will contact you via telephone or text if your child is not attending sessions that we would expect them to.
What is supervised study?
A supported study space in our library run by senior and pastoral leaders with access to workspace, computers, textbooks/revision guides and a printer.
Rewards Update
Study Points
We will be rewarding students for attending subject intervention and supported study sessions by awarding study points – these are separate to House points in recognition of the effort that students will be putting into GCSE preparation. Attendance to the Academy Prom this year will be linked to the level of engagement students have demonstrated with the after-Academy study programme. We will also be offering rewards termly to students with high levels of engagement. If your child is unable to attend after-Academy sessions because of un-moveable commitments then please contact us so that we can provide alternative learning so that your child can gain study points.
How will we Ensure a High-Quality Study Provision?
We expect students to adhere to our high expectations whilst attending these sessions and will be using our ready to learn behavior system during sessions; should there be a behaviour related issue your child will be referred to our pastoral inclusion space to meet with a pastoral leader and contact home will be made. Any continued poor behaviour may result in your child being asked not to attend any further study sessions.
Staying up to Date as a Parent/Carer of a Year 11 Student
The Year 11 blog operates as a one stop shop for all things Year 11, if there are specific updates we will text home a link, the current version of the after-Academy study timetable can be viewed here:
Yours sincerely
Mrs Rebecca Tushingham | Assistant Principal