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Year 7 Pastoral Lead – Interim Arrangements

Dear Parent/Carer 

I wrote to you last week to give an update on pastoral support for Year 7 students (https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/letters/year-7-pastoral-support/). 

The purpose of this letter is to: 

  • Provide a further update on the pastoral support available to Year 7 students 

Since we last spoke, the Academy has recruited two determined colleagues to a seconded position of Year 7 Pastoral Leader whilst we complete a recruitment process for the permanent position. 

The Pastoral Leader for Year 7 will be split as follows until the end of Term 3, starting on Monday 31st January 2022: 

This is an interim measure until the end of Term 3 at which point, I hope to announce the permanent replacement. 

Ms Peyton and Mr Coulstring are also still available should you need any further support. 

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Yours sincerely

Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal