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End of Term 6 & Start of Term 1 (Sept 2023) Letter

Dear Parents/Carers, 

As we close in on the end of another challenging but rewarding year at Hanham Woods, I wanted to provide you with some key updates ahead of September 2023.  

This time of year is a time to reflect on and plan for further improvements as we seek to give people the best chance of success. One of the best parts of being a Principal is seeing young people develop their character and I’m proud to see how well students have responded to different events throughout the year. They have shown great resilience when things have got tough and their ability to adapt and overcome barriers placed before them has been nothing short of remarkable. There are too many achievements to list here, but please take the time to read through our final Academy newsletter of the year which outlines some of the most recent student achievements.  

I also want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU! Without the support of parents and carers and your ongoing challenge / feedback we would not be able to give students the best chance of success. I know there is still more we can do to improve the Academy and we are working hard to make Hanham Woods a truly great Academy to work and learn. 

Latest Hanham Woods Academy Newsletter is available here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/wp-content/uploads/Newsletter-July_2023.pdf

A reminder about the last day of term arrangements – Friday 21st July – students will be leaving at 12:00 and further information can be found here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/letters/end-of-term-letter-july-2023/ 

There will be a sweet tuck shop on this day run by the Friends of Hanham Woods. All items are £1, so if students wish to buy something please try and ensure they have the correct change. Thanks to the Friends of Hanham Woods for their support of the Academy and students this year. 

Everyone at Hanham Woods is incredibly proud of our wonderful students and we would like to wish you a fantastic summer break when it comes around. 

Academy Updates for September 2023: 

Moving to Mixed Ability Groups in KS3: 

  • After careful consideration and consultation with our subject Curriculum Leaders we have taken the decision to move to mixed ability grouping from September (except in Maths which due to the linear nature of learning in this subject, will continue in ability groupings). Most teachers already teach mixed ability groups at KS4 and have secured positive outcomes.
  • The reasons for this are to ensure all students benefit from a challenging curriculum, where teachers teach to the top and scaffold down to support. In ability grouping systems it is quite often students who are low attaining on entry or disadvantaged (or both) that get further behind or have their confidence dampened by being in a ‘bottom set’. This does not fit with our mission of giving all students the best chance of success.
  • If you would like to find out more about the Education Endowment Foundation’s review of research into the impact of streaming / setting, you can do so here: https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/setting-and-streaming

Anti-Racist schools award and Anti-bullying award

  • We are pleased to inform you that from September we will be focusing on further improvements to our Academy culture and personal development curriculum by working towards the Anti-racist schools award (in partnership with Leeds Beckett University) and the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s United Against Bullying Programme. We look forward to sharing more information in the next academic year. This year we have already begun working towards three other awards: Equity Mark, Gender Action and Health Roots and we will be developing a cohesive long-term strategy to ensure that Hanham Woods Academy is a truly inclusive academy.

Parent/Carer forums to move back to in-person events

  • From September we will be bringing a termly Parent/Carer forum back to an in-person event which will give you the opportunity to come into the Academy and meet with myself and other members of the Senior team to discuss key issues and provide feedback. Working together in this way is a vital part of the next phase of our improvement journey.

Updates to Year Teams from September 2023:

Uniform expectations from September 2023: 

Updates to Ready to Learn from September 2023:

If you would like to provide feedback or request further clarification on any of the updates above, please do so using this feedback form: https://forms.office.com/e/bGhT1LeXpd 

September 2023 – Start of Term Arrangements :

I can confirm what the first few days will entail and when students will return to the Academy in September:

  • Friday 1st September: INSET day / Academy closed to students
  • Monday 4th September: INSET day / Academy closed to students
  • Tuesday 5th September: Year 7 and Year 11 return [Year 8, 9 and 10 remain at home]
  • Year 7 arrive between 08:10 – 08:25
  • Year 11 arrive between 09:15 – 09:30
  • Wednesday 6th September: All students return (staggered to manage induction) to the Academy
  • Year 7, 8, 9 and 11 students arrive between 08:00 – 08:25
  • Year 10 students arrive between 09:00 – 09:15

Academy Expectations for September 2023 relating to Manners, Uniform, Mobile phones, Equipment, Academy Rules, Electric Scooters: 


We believe politeness gets you where you want to go in life. We want to continue the great work you have done instilling manners and mutual respect in your children, within the Academy. We expect students to always be polite, courteous, and show mutual respect so that positive relationships between staff and students can be achieved. This makes for a supportive and engaging learning environment where everyone can thrive. 


The Academy uniform is an important part of our community and building a sense of belonging. Please see click the following link to read our expectations for September 2023 regarding Academy uniform: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/letters/academy-uniform-expectations-for-september-2023/ 

Academy Rules 

No mobile phones: Mobile phones should be off and in bags when students arrive at the Academy gates in the morning and only be taken out of bags once they have left the main school gates. If they are seen or heard during the Academy day, the phone will be confiscated and placed securely in reception. The student will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention and the phone can be collected at 15:30. Please do not call students on their mobile phones during the school day. If you need to contact them please leave call the school reception. 

No Swearing 

If a student is heard casually swearing around the Academy, they will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention. We expect students to be polite and respectful. 

No ‘hands on’ (pushing and shoving / playfighting) 

If a student is seen pushing and shoving other students or playfighting, they will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention. We expect students to respect the personal space of others and conduct themselves in a safe manner around the Academy site. 


It is important that students are properly equipped every day so that they are ready to learn. All students are required to bring a bag to school. An equipment check will be carried out daily in tutor time to ensure students are ready to learn. Academy equipment requirements can be found here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/uniform-equipment/ Students can purchase a pencil case (containing the correct equipment) from reception for £1. If you need support with equipment, please do get in contact so that we can help.   


End of Term 6 & Start of Term 1 (Sept 2023) Letter


Electric Scooters:

Electric scooters are currently illegal to ride on public highways unless a driving license and insurance is held by the rider. It is not appropriate for students to be riding e-scooters to and from the Academy and they are, therefore, banned from the Academy site. This measure is in place to protect and uphold the safety of all students as they commute to and from the Academy. If a student arrives at the Academy on an e-scooter, it will be confiscated, and you will be called and asked to come and collect it. 


Providing enriching activities for students is an essential part of giving them the best chance of success. We take great pride in offering a range of activities to students and taking feedback from students on what activities they would like to see. We will be publishing an enrichment timetable early in Term 1 and will communicate this to you. Please support the enrichment offer by encouraging your child to attend at least one activity. 

Term Dates for 2023/2024: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/term-dates/  

Key Academy Dates / Events: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/events/ 

If you have any concerns or queries, please do get in touch either via email: [email protected] or phone: 0117 440 8900  

Thank you for your continued support of the Academy as work together to give people the best chance of success. 

Dream BIG// Work Hard // Be Kind 

Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal